Wednesday, May 02, 2007

First, I miss Mom and Dad!!!! Second, we are getting settled at the Lifecare Hospital. It has been a crazy 24 hours. I showed up at Methodist yesterday for a visit. Alas, I was informed we would be moving...any minute. Oh how I missed Mom, Dad, and Christy!! They've moved us every other time. I tried to gather my wits, ask questions, and prepare. It was 3:30, so I knew everyone was at work...and we were on our own. Thank God Christie Leche called me. After all this time it's still tough for me to say, "Help." So of course I lied and told her we were fine, fine, fine. She saw right through me (thank God) and showed up to help. She was an angel...helped me pack, carried all our stuff to the new place, stayed with me all evening, held my hand, and brought me food. Thanks, Christie. God also brought me friendly faces in the form of Tod and Nicole. I cannot tell you how much joy that brings me...seeing friends. Being home! I was joking with Nicole that God was trying to show me what crazy was really like just in case I was under the notion that my life was crazy. After yesterday's madness, everything seems like cake.

Okay, I've met with most all of the new team. It's gonna be rough for a while. Chuck's pain medication is in he's grumpy, in pain, and sad. His new pain management doctor is phenomenal...but he wants to start figure out where Chuck really is concerning pain.

I don't know why it takes soooo long to get the appropriate mattress for Chuck. I started the battle yesterday before we even left Methodist. I had the nurse there confirm with the nurse here that Chuck's mattress was ready. Then, to be super sure, I called myself to confirm. Wouldn't you know was the wrong mattress. It sounds like no big deal, but the wrong mattress eats at Chuck's skin...which makes me crazy. Thank God, I just saw the mattress out in the hall. Shouldn't be long now.

Just to clarify Chuck's new location-he is at Lifecare Hospital which is located on the second floor of Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital. He's in room 214.