In being with my friend, Mindy, this weekend, I discoverd that I have developed a few "grieving quirks." Apparently I have created a whole system of rules...not even realizing it. Some of the rules are thus:
1) I may watch old movies that Chuck and I have seen before, but I may not watch movies that are coming out now.
2) I may not watch any new episodes of TV series that Chuck liked and is now "missing." Sadly "The Office" is out....
3) I may not buy any nice new clothes. HOWEVER I may buy workout clothes.
This is just a sampling of "the rules." With Mindy's encouragement, I did bring myself to buy an adorable new hat! Baby steps....
Another quirk is that I've developed a pretty nasty case of separation anxiety. When it is time to leave anyone that I love, I am overcome with a "homesick" feeling. I cry pretty hard for a few minutes...then it passes. My nephew, Matthew, is going through the same thing with his momma, Christy. Mom says I should try throwing myself on the ground while writhing around a bit. Kicking and screaming are a plus if I really want to get someone's attention. Of course those observing me should completely ignore my behavior until it stops.