I have so very much to share...but will do it in pieces...so as not to overwhelm! First, God gave me the BEST day I have had in YEARS...yes years. I don't know where it came from...or what was different...but God gave me a day of pure joy.
Saturday did not begin as a day of joy...but you know God, making all things work together for good. I woke up sickly...so I stayed in bed and watched a movie (Sense and Sensibilty...one o' the BEST). Once I perked up, I spent the afternoon with two of my best friends...and it was pure delight. Laura, Nicole, and I went to the mall...and it was just fun...I had no sadness...no tears. Next we went to dinner. Again...no sadness...no tears. Just joy...joy in my time with them...joy in my love for them...joy in SHOPPING...joy in eating...joy, joy, joy. My heart needed a day like that. I'm sure I will cling to it in the sad days ahead.
As ever, I am in awe of God's tender, loving care for me.