Friday, August 25, 2006

There's a lot to report! I'll give the basics now and give details later:
  1. Chuck's digestive issues are still unresolved. He was given a medicine called neostigmine to help his bowels move. Thus far, it has worked. There's discussion of a possible surgery in Chuck's future ... more info later.
  2. Chuck's wounds look better. Whew. The wound that exposes his hardware already looks improved (after 4 days on the wound vac). There is discussion of a possible surgery in Chuck's future ... more info later ... are you seeing a theme yet? Dr. Shelokov is coming Monday or Tuesday to take a look at Chuck's back.
  3. Chuck's lungs are stable. I've not talked to a doctor yet. There were issues while I was gone with his heart rate increasing, his blood pressure dropping, and difficulties breathing. This was a brief period, but he's been resting since = no time off the ventilator.
  4. Chuck's spirits are much improved.

Alrighty ... expect a full report ... later.