Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chuck had a very busy day.
  • He enthusiastically did occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy. Not too shabby! For physical therapy, they put his brace on him and sat him up in bed ... he must not leave that sand bed!
  • His nutrition is giving him some fits. They've stopped his tube feedings and will use TPN feedings (through the vein) until Chuck's system clears out.
  • Wound care is exciting to me ... to see the progress made in such short time. The wounds on his abdomen are great and almost closed. The pressure wounds on his back side are improving drastically. My main concern is the wounds on his spinal incision. There are three areas being watched. We're in limbo ... could go either way ... so let's expect it to go GREAT! They use provant on his spinal wounds twice a day. If you have time, do a google search. It's amazing therapy for wounds!
  • Of great "relief" to me, the doctor says he's stable. I kept asking, "So, what does that mean ... stable?" It means he has some lumps and bumps, but all issues are being addressed and nothing is getting worse. Ahhhh, new favorite word.