Mom and Dad are here! It's been great. We've gone through tons o' business stuff...lots o' tears in the process. It's painful to separate my life from Chuck's...his name off the deed; off my accounts; off of everything that was OURS...and now it is simply mine. So sad.
Okay, here is my plug for the Lions CLUB. Young uns...this is a GREAT, untapped resource. I have gone to two meetings and plan on joining. (I feel oh so close to Chuck at them...but wait, there's more....) Okay, here is what we, as a generation, are missing out on: a way to give back to our communities while celebrating our nation's history. The past two weeks, the speakers have been amazing...touching on issues that are in our own backyards. This week, an architect came to speak on building green. It was timely and relevant to our lives. In addition, these meetings are a GREAT way to carry on the traditions of our childhood. Remember elementary school? Singing "America, the Beautiful;" saying the pledge; having a prayer before absolutely every school activity? This is what you get at a Lions meeting. In addition, for you Lions Camp alumni, they work hard at helping everyone to DROP THEIR DIGNITY. Ahhh, remember that? In any case, if you are looking for a way to keep up with the needs in your community; if you want to leave your community better than you found it (thank you, Rand) then check out your local Lions Club.
Okay, off soap box. Have a great weekend.