Saturday, September 08, 2007

I am so very, very homesick. Here I sit in my own house just longing for home. Shea came over for a movie. As it ended, I started crying, telling her how homesick I was feeling.

"Homesick for what? For me?" she asks.

"Yes. And for Chuck. How can this be my home anymore?" Cry, cry, cry, "What do I do, Shea?"

In that calm, soothing voice she has, she said, "Well, it's night, Jan. And you know how things always seem worse at night. You will not sit here crying in despair, dwelling on your sadness. You will get in the Word. You will talk to God or write to him. I can't make this better. You can't make this better. No one can make this better for you. Only God can make this better." (Where does she get this stuff???)

We also decided I should follow the four B's = Bible, bubble bath, Bailey, bed.