Chuck's looking a-okay. We've seen every doctor in the world ... but the one we really want to see. Do you suppose the constant harassment is getting to Dr. Taylor? This would be an example of how we continually assault the poor man:
- Monday: "Hi, Dr. Taylor. When can Chuck get off the ventilator?" (He answers, "Once he can tolerate the trach collar for longer periods of time.")
- Tuesday: "Hi, Dr. Taylor. When can Chuck get off the ventilator?" (He repeats the answer.)
- Wednesday: "Hi, Dr. Taylor. When can Chuck get off the ventilator?" (Same answer)
- Thursday: "Hi, Dr. Taylor. When can Chuck get off the ventilator?"... you get the idea... poor man .... We can't wait to see him today to ask when Chuck can get off the ventilator.
Chuck is tolerating gut feedings better; his wounds are healing; he has no fever nor signs of infection.
Possibilibities for this week:
- G-tube "installed."
- He might get to dangle his feet over the edge of the bed. This is huge!
Eric believes Chuck may be in his last seven days of the ICU.