Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This will most likely be a sappy ode to Chuck...just missing him and feeling so incredibly grateful for the life we shared...and so utterly sad that it has ended.

This is what happened today...due to the prevalence of intimate conversations taking place everywhere via mobile phone, I overheard a couple of "married" exchanges. They saddened me. I wanted to shout, "MARRIAGE IS WASTED ON YOU!!!!" There was a lack of tenderness and affection that made me so very, very angry.

Here you have a woman who was nuts for her husband, who's voice dripped with affection each time she spoke to's gone. What's worse is that in it's place are a bunch of dispassionate couples...doing life it's a chore. These people are "MURDERERS OF LOVE" (thank you Dan in Real Life).

I remember the first time Chuck's hand brushed mine. He was helping me set up for camp-out...we were loading bags of ice in the back of a van, and his hand touched mine. My skin tingled...there was a current of energy that passed from him to me...and that was just the beginning. That energy grew with time...every time he walked (and later rolled) into a room, my heart beat a little faster. Friends may recall that we were almost always touching...holding hands...hand on leg or some such show of affection. In fact, we often caught flack for our public displays of adoration.

Chuck was my absolute favorite person in the world...and I never quite got over the thrill of him liking me back. I always thought he was the coolest, cleverest, wittiest, funniest person in the world AND HE CHOSE ME!!

Each phone call...each reunion after being apart was a thrill. As I would await his pickup from the airport...I would get giddy with excitement. Don't get me wrong...the man could dance on my last nerve...but that was the exception to the rule. I was so utterly blessed to have lived and played house with my best favorite husband.