Monday, May 26, 2008

Last night was a PERFECT tribute to our friend, Toast. None of us (the group that went together) realized that counselors were already there for staff training...ahh, staff training...those were the days! The memorial was basically set up like an awards night...complete with unit songs and a campfire ceremony. It was so fitting for Toast because while it was a memorial to him, it motivated and inspired the counselors to embrace the wonder of TLC. What a joy!

Okay, here are my favorite Toast stories from the evening:

1.) When he went to college, Toast talked all of his professors into keeping his grades a secret from him. Toast saved all of his report cards and put them in an enveloped labeled: "To be opened July 17, 2008"...that being his 36th birthday. His parents found the envelope among his possessions. It remains seald.

2.) One summer at camp, a very upset boy took off running from the group that Toast was with. Toast, being a marathoner, took off without skipping a beat. He caught up to the kid, without even glancing at the boy, he ran past him. Toast ran quite a ways in front of the boy, then made a wide sweeping arch, which the boy followed. Toast ran back towards the group, with the boy following him. He led him back to the fold without uttering a single word.

3.) He loved worms (I happen to have this in common with Toast!)

4.) If you ever received a hand-written note from Toast, it was most likely on the back of a bill or some scrap of paper...and his writing was miniscule...utilizing every tiny bit of space.

I feel so fortunate to have known such an amazingly unique man. His time was short...but oh so well spent.