Sunday, February 03, 2008

Now I know why I post so frequently...entirely too much has happened for me to detail all God has done this past week. And brother, has it been a WEEK.

First, I had a business trip to Florida which went very well. As of late, I've been continually reminded of HOW MUCH I LOVE MY JOB. Truly, it is such a blessing to feel such satisfaction and joy from what I do day to day. Don't get me wrong, there are days of tedium and frustration, but overall I feel fortunate to be getting PAID for reading, writing, and editing materials that revolve around children's literature.

All week I've felt blessed and fortunate. I was joking that it may simply be that I'm feeling "normal"...and "normal" feels soooooo good. I keep thinking-perhaps I've turned a corner of sorts. AND I keep wondering if I will forever feel delight with each day. Is that one of the outcomes of walking with God through such heartache? For the rest of my life, will I be keenly away of how blessed and fortunate I am?? Is this just a stage? Who knows...whatever the case, I'm deeply appreciative.

Okay, so we fly home on Wednesday night, and walk into a NEW COMPANY on Thursday. Harcourt Assessment is no more. It's taken about nine months for the sale to go through, but offically Pearson Assessment and Information owns us. Tah dah! So of course, I am a bit overwhelmed with the, new company with tons o' new things to do (new benefits, W4, etc) AND item writer training (my favorite time of year). Boom, boom, boom. I'm exhausted (but feeling oh so blessed).

All this to say, God IS faithful. In all this waiting...waiting in pain...waiting in loneliness...waiting without dulling the ache...a feeling of such gratitude has blossomed. I am so grateful.