Friday, February 22, 2008

And just like that, a boogie-boarding aficionado has been long has this stuff been around? How come I've never done it? How many of my so-called "friends" have known about it and NOT let me in on the secret...boogie boarding may well be the funnest thing I've ever done...EVER. Whoa...that's it. I'm buying a board and heading to the often as possible. I'm hooked. Today was my first time...when Shea and I were able to catch a wave together, we'd ride all the way to the beach where we came to rest on the sand. We'd stay there for an instant...looking and each other and GIGGLING. Then we'd jump up and run right back out to do it again...and again...and again. The only reason we stopped is the other...more in-the-know-looking-people...were stopping. We figured it was for a good we followed suit. Alas, we will try to do it EVERY SINGLE DAY we are here.

Today was our second full day. Our first full day was a dream. Truly, it got to be a bit freakin awesome everything was. A few things before I detail it...first, one of my "goals" for this trip was to recognize God as something other than my savior and redeemer. It seems our relationship is in a bit of a I am not currently in need of "saving" nor "redeeming..." come on, you know what I mean. God stepped in to literally save me and "my life" over and over while Chuck was in the hospital. These past six months, he's redeemed my broken heart. So, I was thinking Hawaii would be a good place to get to know him as creator and artist...and this may well be true. As is often the case with God...he does not let you tell him who he is...he shows up and tells you himself. Sooo, he's been showing me..."I am the giver of all good things...I know exactly what thrills your heart and I've prepared a little something I think you'll like."

Okay, so before I proceed there are some things you may not know about me...perhaps you do...but I think some of them have been buried since childhood...and some are "new" to me. First, from childhood, I've been fascinated by humpback whales. There's something about the sound they make...their comparison to their gentleness. There's something about that contrast that astounds me. Second, I've developed this thing with the moon (as of late.) I keep up with its phases.

Okay, so one. I set my alarm for 7:00 because I wanted to catch the sunrise. Alas, God kissed me on the cheek at 6:45. I opened my eyes to a brilliant pink sky (truly...the window was right by my bed). By the time I got up and went downstairs for coffee...the colors were gone...this was around 6:50. I would have missed it...and I'm weird about some things...missing the sunrise on the anniversary of Chuck's death would have done me in...sweet gift #1.

The morning was lovely...Shea and I found a hammock and climbed in...joking about how many people would think we were a pair. People often assume Shea and I are a couple...because we are affectionate with each other...and really, two sisters can't actually like each other, right? We put on our swimsuits and headed for the cliffs=an overlook...or, uh, cliffs. We were there for about an hour when Shea says, "Jan, I think there are some dolphins jumping out there." Now we knew the humpbacks would be migrating, but I figured it would be hard to see them...or they'd be far out...I just did not expect to be able to see them from such a crazily close distance. But you guessed it...they were not dolphins jumping...they were whales. I almost cried I was so overwhelmed with it. We watched them for over an #2.

Shea and I went driving. What's Christy doing all this time, you might be wondering? I thought I had the gift of sleep...alas, I'm but a rookie. The woman slept ALL DAY and then turned around and slept all night. Yes...she slept almost 24 hours solid...crazy! Okay, so back to driving...the views of the area with ocean that led to a stream...that lead to a mountain...that housed a cave...all #3.

After a full day...I go out on the balcony...lunar freakin eclipse. Really? Really, God? Really? You're really giving me a lunar eclipse on top of everything else? Really? I was all alone, and just sat there in the darkness...watching the moon. I don't know if it was because I was so tired...but the sky started to breathe...truly, I could see the clouds pulsating around the #4.