Chuck's first questions: How long was surgery? When can I sit up? Who won American Idol? The repirator is out ... there is a slim chance that it will go back in. All depends on how much oxygen vs. carbon dioxide is in his lungs. He has had two drains removed today ... in addition to the removal of the respirator. He probably feels a bit naked.
I got my first gander at his back today. Wowwie, wowwie, wow, wow, wow! Thankfully, it is not straight as a board ... let's face it ... I'll miss the hump just a little. His new back is beautiful ... what it means for him is even more beautiful. I can't wait til he feels better ... watch out world!
He must stay flat on his back for 36 more hours = he will remain in ICU for 36 more hours. Of course, this is not definite. The hope is that tomorrow evening or Sunday morning he'll be moved to a regular room. Once there, I'll let you know his room number.
Dream BIG, hope MUCH, keep the FAITH.