Sunday, March 11, 2007

Chuck and I had a wonderful Saturday. He slept and I watched movies...pretty much like at home! The vac is vac-ing and we expect to see exciting things tomorrow. Please pray the vac works wonders on his wound.

This morning Chuck was changed from the speaking valve to a red cap. He is still getting oxygen via the nose. This is another milestone!

Last night was a GREAT getaway for me. My cousin, Kam, threw an 80th birthday party for my great-aunt Dorothy (Kam's grandma.) I watch Kam closely as one day I hope to be as gracious and lovely a hostess as she. Dorothy is the picture of health and beauty...I hope I am as fit at 80! Of course, the food was divine...thank you, Terri. Can that girl cook!!! Not only can she cook...but she always prepares special dishes just for me (I have an annoying food allergy). After dinner Terri always insists that I make a plate "for Chuck." I happily oblige, knowing that he eats very little. Ha, ha, ha, most of Chuck's plate is MINE!

It was sooo good to see folks from Spearman! I miss my hometown.

Be blessed.