Our first sleepover was a huge success! It was tons o' fun and gave me an inside view of hospital night life. It was surreal watching people who clearly knew Chuck but not me as they interacted with him. He sooo does not need me! The nurses and staff adore him and are soooo good to him. When he uses the nurse button during the day ... I always make the request. At night, it's just him ... with no voice. However, the night desk person would reassure Chuck each time he pushed the nurse button, "Don't worry Chuck, I'm sending someone to your room ...." It was touching to obersve the staff adoringly treat Chuck with such tender, loving care.
Lindsey and Matthew came up to visit their Uncle Chuckie today. It was Lindsey's first time to see him. She was a bit timid, but handled it all very well! What can I say, she's advanced for her age. Matthew showed off his beefy thighs and mohawk hairdo ... too cute. I cannot believe his is already three months old!
Chuck's still on the ventilator. His carbon dioxide levels are a bit high. He may be fighting off some pneumonia. Please pray for healthy lungs and for another miraculous transition off the ventilator.
His back looks GREAT ... yes GREAT! I am just so thrilled and so thankful. Thank you God for the wound care team!